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Our 360 Court collection consists of seven designs. Each design has a different point value that determines the percentage the cardholder will receive. This collection gets 30% of our profits quarterly for seven years.

After seven years, ten cards are drawn quarterly, and that collection will receive 15% of our profits for that quarter.

It's seven different points, and cardholders will receive a percentage according

to our point system. It's 150 cards that total up to 2,390 points.

Example one: If we make $1,000,000 in profits in quarter one, 30% ($300,000) of that goes to our card holders. Each point will be worth $125; if you hold a 20pt card, you will receive $2,500 for quarter one.

Example two: After seven years and we made $10,000,000 in profits in quarter one, 15% ($1,500,000) will go to ten cards drawn for that quarter. Suppose the ten cards drawn are: 2pt, 70pt, 70pt,15pt, 5pt, 2pt, 2pt,10pt. Each point will be worth $7,462; if you hold a 2pt card, you will receive $14,924 for that quarter.

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